Dienstag, Juli 31, 2007

England: Immer mehr "neue Männer" führen zu immer mehr Scheidungen

Die Daily Mail berichtet:

It's the bitterest of ironies: thousands of men who've given up work to care for their children are being ditched by their high-flying wives - who wanted them to stay at home in the first place. (…)

The phenomenon of the househusband is an increasingly popular one. The number of men deciding to become househusbands has increased by a staggering 83per cent since 1993. According to recent figures from the Office for National Statistics, there are more than 200,000 fathers in the UK choosing to give up their careers and raise their children at home. (…)

Divorce lawyer Vanessa Lloyd-Platt says that in her experience, the decision to allow the wife to be the main wage earner will have a detrimental effect on as many as half of these relationships, and that divorce statistics in these cases have risen by at least five per cent in the past two years.

"My warning would be to think long and hard about letting the man stay at home,' she says. 'I know it is very trendy for the wife to be the breadwinner, but in my professional experience this decision will strain the marriage. It may be fun at first to say 'I have a househusband', but the wife will quickly begin to resent the fact the man is not pulling his weight financially.

"She will think: 'You're not supporting me' - within all of us I think there is still a very deep-seated belief that men should be the protectors. A gradual lack of respect begins to eat into the relationship, and it puts men in a very vulnerable position.

Der Artikel ist sehr lang, aber ich halte ihn durchgehend auch für sehr lesenswert. Erst recht in einer Gesellschaft, in der tagein, tagaus so getan wird, als sei das Verhaftetsein vor allem der Männer in traditionellen Geschlechterrollen das größte Hindernis auf dem Weg zur Emanzipation. „Verbale Aufgeschlossenheit bei weitgehender Verhaltensstarre“ ist der allzeit verfügbare Standardvorwurf noch jeder Gossenfeministin an das männliche Geschlecht. Die Wirklichkeit sieht anders aus.

Herzlichen Dank an M.R. für den Link.

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