Mittwoch, Mai 18, 2016

Vermischtes vom 18. Mai 2016

1. Wir Kerle mögen uns mit Mimimi wie unserer hohen Selbstmordrate beschäftigen, aber Frauen haben natürlich unter ECHTEM Sexismus zu leiden. Der letzte Aufschrei der Woche: Einer Wettermoderatorin wurde eine Strickjacke gereicht. Das löste eine Debatte aus, die sich bis in die New York Times erstreckte.

Nach der Verurteilung des renommierten Pianisten und Musikprofessors Siegfried M. zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von 1 Jahr und 3 Monaten, weil er seine Kollegin angegrapscht haben soll, steht fest: Wollen Sie als Mann einer Frau Avancen machen, warten Sie ab, bis die Angebetete ihre Hand auf die Ihre legt, Sie von ihr in den Arm genommen werden, sie Ihnen einen ersten Kuss gibt oder sie zärtlich Ihren Oberschenkel streichelt. Der in Deutschland nunmehr gewünschte Feminismus-Sexismus erwartet das ab jetzt!

Hier geht es weiter mit dem neuen Beitrag des auf Sexualdelikte spezialisierten Fachanwalts Dr. Alexander Stevens. Ähnlich wie von Bundesrichter thomas Fischer in der ZEIT bekommt die Feministin Margarete Stokowski auch hier für ihr von wenig Sachkenntnis getrübtes Geschreibsel auf Spiegel-Online ihr Fett weg.

3. In Österreich löst die bisherige Gesundheitsministerin Sabine Oberhauser infolge einer Regierungsumbildung Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek als Ministerin für Bildung und Frauen ab. Österreichs männerpolitische Website Freimann blickt in ihrem aktuellen Newsletter auf das Wirken Heinisch-Hoseks zurück:

In einem der ersten Interviews als Frauenministerin mit dem Wiener "Falter" 2009 hatte sie angekündigt, darauf zu dringen, die Hälfte des Budgets für aktive Beschäftigungspolitik des AMS für Frauen auszugeben und hat diese gleichheitswidrige Maßnahme (denn viel mehr Männer als Frauen sind arbeitslos) auch durchsetzen können. Ihr Anliegen war nicht Gleichberechtigung, sondern Frauenbevorzugung. Dazu bediente sie sich auch einer sehr aktiven Pressemitteilungspolitik, um die öffentliche Meinung aufzuwiegeln. Ihr Hauptkennzeichen war eine faktenwidrige Dramatisierung der Lage der Frauen zum Beispiel in der Lohnfrage, sehr zur Freude der Opposition. Wer einmal lügt, dem glaubt man nicht, also mußte die angebliche großdimensionierte "Lohnschere" immer und immer wieder eingehämmert werden. Nach den Grünen versucht auch die FPÖ, sich als Fraueninteressenspartei darzustellen und profitiert von Heinisch-Hoseks Schlechtreden der Lage. Umstritten war auch ihre oberlehrerhafte Art, mit der Heinisch-Hosek beispielsweise Frauen dazu drängte, ihr "Glück" in der Vollzeit-Erwerbsarbeit zu suchen.

Benachteiligungen/Diskriminierungen von Männern konnte sie keine erkennen, wie sie einmal in einem Interview angab. Als allerdings danach die SPÖ vor der Volksbefragung zur "allgemeinen" Wehrpflicht 2012 für ein Berufsheer eintrat, was europaweiter Trend ist und von namhaften Experten befürwortet wird, verhielt sich opportunistisch und verwies zurecht darauf, daß es sich bei der "allgemeinen" Wehrpflicht, wie sie in Österreich gehandhabt wird, um Männerdiskriminierung handelt.

FPÖ-Obmann H.C. Strache hingegen war immer Befürworter dieser Diskriminierung. Kürzlich trat er für das Selbstbestimmungsrecht Südtirols ein, die Rechten in Südtirol wollen allerdings derzeit keine Vereinigung mit Nordtirol. Die "Presse" (14. Mai) meldete dazu: "Zudem hat Italien ein Berufsheer. Die Südtiroler Rechte will nicht, dass ihre Männer wieder eingezogen werden." Da könnte sich der FPÖ-Obmann ebenso wie Bundespräsidentschaftskandidat Norbert Hofer ein Beispiel nehmen.

4. Alice Schwarzers zu simple Analyse der Kölner Silvesternacht beklagt Annemarie Rösch in der Badischen Zeitung. Wie im Fall Kachelmann ignoriere Schwarzer zu viele Fakten, um ihr festgefügtes Weltbild zu erhalten:

Auch ihr weinerlicher Ton ist etwas enervierend: Immer wieder beklagt sie, dass sie wegen ihrer Islam-Kritik angegriffen worden sei: "Schwer erträglich, diese Denkverbote." Da polemisiert sie fast schon wie die AfD, die verbreitet, man dürfe "den Islam" in Deutschland nicht kritisieren, dies aber unentwegt tut.

5. Auf den Websites der Libertarian Republic sowie des Daily Callers berichtet Guy Bentley über eine weltweite Studie, bei der sich die von Feministinnen und Journalisten gebetsmühlenhaft beklagte Lohnlücke mal wieder als nahe null herausstellte:

The study examined more than eight million employees across dozens of countries and found the pay gap between men and women working in same types of roles, with the same responsibilities, in the same companies was 1.6 percent in favor of men.

The United Arab Emirates was the only exception, with women earning two percent more than their male counterparts. The study attributes the gap to there being fewer women in the labor force with higher levels of education.

(...) One of the reasons men earn more on average than women, is they work more hours. According to Mark Perry, economist, and scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, the average male working full-time labored almost two more hours per week in 2014.

In the same year, female full-time employees were found to be two and a half times more likely to have shorter workweeks of 35 to 39 hours, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

(...) A Department of Labor study released in 2009, which reviewed upwards of 50 peer-reviewed papers, concluded the wage gap, "may be almost entirely the result of individual choices being made by both male and female workers."

"Women, more than men, show a demonstrated preference for lower risk occupations with greater workplace safety and comfort, and they are frequently willing to accept lower wages for the greater safety and reduced probability of work-related injury or death," Perry argues.

Men made up 92.3 percent of workplace deaths in 2014, "Because men far outnumber women in the most dangerous, but higher-paying occupations that have the greatest probability of job-related injury or death," says Perry.

Schön, wenn Regierungsstellen irgendwann zu denselben Erkenntnissen gelangen wie die Männerrechtsbewegung zehn Jahre zuvor.

Hier besteht inzwischen eine ähnlich absurde Situation wie bei häuslicher Gewalt. Während Feministinnen und feministisch geprägte Medien einfach unverdrossen ihre alten Märchen wiederholen, weist eine Studie nach der anderen auf die tatsächlichen Verhältnisse hin und wird von den Machthabern der Geschlechterdebatte schlicht nicht zur Kenntnis genommen.

6. Für die liberale Website Spiked! berichtet die Rechtsanwältin Barbara Henson über eine Studie, die herausgefunden haben will, worin sich die Behauptungen von Falschbeschuldigerinnen von den Aussagen echter Opfer sexueller Gewalt unterscheiden:

The authors (André De Zutter, Robert Horselenberg and Peter van Koppen) undertook a bold piece of research. They decided to commission false allegations of rape, and compare them with victims’ accounts in real cases, where men had been convicted.

(...) They propose a new theory of fabricated rape. Their hypothesis is that pseudo-victims have to construct stories based on their own experiences and beliefs about rape. They will construct a stereotypical story that does not resemble a true rape. They will tend to rely on representations of rape in news media, which tended to be biased and often lack details. Typically, the media cover sensational and atypical rapes.

A pseudo-victim will also likely create a rapist whose conduct does not fit typical offender categories. In brief: the four typical rapist profiles are ‘opportunist, pervasively angry, sexual, and vindictive’. Typical rapist behaviours can include such things as attempts at pseudo-intimacy, or stealing from the victim. These sorts of behaviour are often absent from media reports of rape. By contrast, the proportion of rape stereotypes is typically higher in false allegations of rape.

So how do false and true allegations of rape differ? Typically the false report will provide a concise story with little details. (...) True victims were twice as likely to give details – and give them spontaneously – than pseudo-victims. True victims described a lot of verbal interaction with their rapist, most of which fitted the rapist profiles mentioned earlier (eg, sadistic rapists were insulting). They also described a wide variety of sexual acts and positions. True victims engaged in evidence-conserving activities (such as not showering), while pseudo-victims did the opposite.

The authors conclude that four main characteristics of false allegations stand out. First, the alleged rape is always swift – almost all cases were completed in less than 15 minutes. Second, the pseudo-victim is passive, and their narrative does not include a variety of sexual acts. Third, false allegations mostly include instrumental violence, and almost no expressive violence (eg, unnecessary hurting during sex). "False complainants seem to be aware that it is the era of forensic evidence. Bruises and scratches without foreign DNA might put their credibility on the line." Finally, pseudo-victims offer a more detailed description of their attacker’s personal appearance than real ones do. For some reason, false complainants described the nose of the fabricated offender more than genuine victims.

(...) The present problem in Britain is that police and prosecutors have been captured by the believe-the-victim mindset. Seeking out sex criminals – especially elderly ones (and sometimes even dead ones) – has become a grotesque 21st-century illustration of Parkinson’s Law – that a bureaucracy will generate enough work to keep itself "busy" and to justify its continued existence.

7. Die fühere radikale lesbische Feministin Hellena Post bittet in einem Offenen Brief die Männer dieser Welt mit Worten um Verzeihung, die wir auch gerne von anderen Feministinnen hören würden:

Men were the enemy.

They were shallow and aggressive and abusive and rapists and liars and adulterers and threatening and sexist and privileged and everything that was wrong with the world. There were always a few men that I considered to be "worthwhile", but they always had to endure my rather pointed opinions about their gender as a ticket to my world. Listen to my conversations with my sisters about the state of the world, with liberal doses of the use of the word patriarchal sprinkled on top. And I knew an incredible amount of little anecdotes about amazing women who had been fucked over or ignored by men. If only the goddess would come back and put women in their rightful place as the bosses of everything, then we’d all be a lot happier.

Much to my dismay, I soon learnt that the women’s utopia I’d leapt into wholeheartedly wasn’t all that groovy after all. I saw just as much alcoholism, abuse, hypocrisy, gossip, backstabbing and power play as I saw in all the other minority and mainstream groups I’d been a part of. My relationship broke down, and I had some flings with women and men for a while, and then decided to leave the place where I’d paraded a lot of my different uniforms and badges. I started off fresh in a different place to try and work out what I really thought about it all. And one of the first things I realised was that I’d never really had brothers, fathers, or men friends, cause I’d kept them out for years after realising they were all fucked.

And then I met the love of my life.

(...) And around then was when I stopped being sensitive to men because I loved my man, and started being sensitive to men because I was seeing things that didn’t add up. Like how men are portrayed as unbelievably aggressive, dominating and "manly", or totally bumbling buffoons that never quite get anything right, but are lovable nonetheless. All the hundreds of little ways that men are told that they’re a bit dumb, as portrayed by main stream media in a "mere male" kinda way. (...) How there’s little importance placed on men as fathers, beyond donating sperm, and then going out to work to pay for what it created. How thousands of men are scared of touching their children, rough playing with their kids, and showing physical love and comfort for fear of being suspected of being an abuser. And I could never quite get that we lived in a patriarchal society, supposedly dominated by men, yet men who didn’t fit in with the prescribed roles and were feminine, gentle, alternative, anarchistic, or deviated from the very narrow allowances for what men were ....were shamed and given a drubbing as bad as any given to a woman or child.

(...) I started talking about these things with other men, and was surprised by the effusive gratitude they had for a strong woman being kind to their gender. We were locals in a country pub, and having a drink one day, a fella named Hairy Dave told me to go read a joke on a board at the back of the pub. He told me I’d love it. So I did. There was a sheet of paper, that read "Men are like a deck of cards. You need a heart to love one, a diamond to marry one, a club to beat them with, and a spade to bury them". I thought it was horrible. When I came back he was already laughing, expecting me to join in. "What did you think? Funny eh!" he said. "Nope" I said. "I think it’s terrible, and if anyone said stuff like that about my man I’d slap em". You shoulda seen the look on his face. "Really?" he said. "You really didn’t think it was funny?" He couldn’t believe it. He ended up kneeling in front of me and kissing my hand, he was so overjoyed that a woman could possibly not snigger at the chance of having a dig at men. Which opened up a great discussion about men and women and all the rest of it.

(...) And that whole "if women ran the world there’d be no more war" thing gets up my nose too. Tell that to the Amazonians, and Boudicca, and Kali the Destroyer, and Fu Hao of the Shang Dynasty, and the Spartan Princess Arachidamia, and Margaret Thatcher, and Condoleeza Rice, and Bronwyn Bishop, and Australia’s current Prime Minister, and Ghandi, and Buddha and Christ ... they were all dudes that said not to kill people weren’t they? It’s not gender that creates war and the separations between us all, it’s hierarchies.

(...) And more recently I’ve been really tripping out about circumcision. It’s Male Genital Mutilation. And it happens within days of being born. 99.9 percent of the willies that I’ve seen in my life have been circumcised. (...) Without anaesthetic.(...) I’m still totally stunned and overwhelmed by the fact that as a general rule, and with everything that is discussed about Female Genital Mutilation and the repercussions of it ... that there is no fuss made about circumcisions which no-one can deny is the same thing. The same thing. With no help groups and books and seminars and news reports and documentaries created about it. Barely any men are given sympathy for the mutilation they endured as a baby, a totally sentient, sensitive, and hyper aware little person, days after emerging from the womb. That shit totally trips me out.

(...) And the result is that men have received body blow after body blow after body blow about who they are, what’s expected of them, and what they ‘should’ be. And I’ve known a lot of sensitive and deep thinking men who are really disturbed and distraught by this. And can sometimes suffer the death of a thousand cuts, a thousand barbs about the thuggery of their gender, and how much they have to be ashamed of.

(...) Men, Women, Children, all of us have our hurts and our repressions, suppressions and oppressions, and none of us are free until our true and authentic selves are respected.

So as a woman who was once upon a time a radical lesbian feminist ...

I’d like to say I’m sorry.

To the men who feel so alone and isolated within their pain that they see no other course than to end their lives. To the men who have dissolved into fear in the bottom of a beer glass. To the men who have to go off to work when their heart stays at home. To the boys who listen to their mothers talking to their girlfriends about the latest bastard thing their man did. To the men who listen to a thousand reports about another man somewhere who did something bad. To the men desperately wanting a boundary and never getting one. To the men who feel closed out and blamed by a sisterhood of tight knit women. To the men that desperately want to be fathers, but are kept away from it by one or another heirarchy ...

I see you and I love you and I know you really wish it could be better.

Eine ganz schön steile Lernkurve haben wir hier – eine Lernkurve, die viele andere Feministinnen nicht nötig haben. Denn diese werden von unserer Gesellschaft dafür verehrt und gehätschelt, dass sie auf dem niedrigen Niveau bleiben, das Hellena Post hinter sich gelassen hat.

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